The very first TSP Recipe - Dense Chocolate Yogurt Loaf Cake. Fitting since I’m a known chocoholic.Making it through an entire year of food blogging is my idea of living dangerously. Clearly I’m not the adventurous type because blogging is more like a virtual adventure than an out-there-in-the-wilds kind of adventure. Still, the blogisphere can be a jungle.
I had no idea what I was getting into when I jumped into food blogging a year ago. There’s so much I didn’t know. What made me think I could hold my own? Food blogging is not your “lay it all out there” or “what’s on my mind” kind of blogging. Oh, no. It’s a bit more complex. I was naive.
First, a big applause for all food bloggers. The commitment, the work, the creativity required is phenomenal. I don’t mean to scare anyone…it’s certainly doable. Just look at how many food blogs exist. But, please, let’s be honest. It’s complex, demanding, hard work and it takes a monumental commitment—not to mention skill, creativity and passion.
Yes, it’s fun. It is. You get to create recipes, share your enthusiasm about food, your successes and failures, and meet new people. And, those people are interested in what interests you. That’s way cool.
But, you gotta work it baby. Let’s see - come up with the idea for the recipe, make it 2, 3, 4 times until it’s just right, photograph it (ugh-that in and of itself is at least an entire post worth of ranting), write about it (and be interesitng, funny, provocative), post it, proofread it, and tell the world about it via as many social networking sites as you can maintain (again, another whole post). Then do it over again, maybe twice a week? Oh, did I mention you have to master the creation of a blog space—how many columns, type faces, a logo, a header? Let’s not even discuss HTML.
It’s my second job. (oh, did I really say “job”?) …um, adventure. But, it’s one that I love. One that I daydream about doing full time. Sigh. For now it’s just going to have to stay a very time consuming and gratifying hobby.
So, will I attempt year number two? You betcha!
One more thing—thanks to all of you for sharing this year with me. It’s been a great adventure and I’ve loved meeting each and every one of you.
Join me for a bit of a TSP Year of Living Dangerously retrospective.
Tiny Turkey Meatballs Atop Penne and Escarole