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Entries in Recipe-Free (7)


A Hand for Haiti: Celiac Teen's E-Book for Haiti Relief

The world has responded passionately & generously to the people of Haiti in response to the crisis they’re experiencing as a result of last month’s earthquake. Each person, community, country or group has given what they can—prayers, time, skills, money and more. Amidst so much despair we’re all trying to infuse a glimmer of hope for Haitains in need.

The response has been immediate. But, their need will go on for a very long time. It’s never too late to contribute whatever you can to this cause.

One special young lady—Lauren of Celiac Teen—has enlisted the help of people across the worldwide web to contribute recipes she then compiled into an e-book—A Hand for Haiti. The e-book is now being sold and all the proceeds will be donated to this cause.

I’d like to tell you all about how many people contributed, the number of recipes, matching contributions…and so much more. But, it’s better if Lauren tells you herself.

So, please, visit Lauren’s site—Celiac Teen—and get acquainted with her. Consider buying the e-book. It will be a few minutes and a few dollars well spent.


Five Steps to Living Gluten-Free

Jens Gluten Free Blog

Hard to believe it’s only been 18 months since I’ve become egg-free, cow dairy-free, and gluten-free. It’s been total immersion since day one. I’m happy to say although it was challenging at first it’s now a way of life. I rarely pine for gluten-filled foods anymore. Eggs on the other hand are a bit more difficult and I miss them more often.

So, when Jen from Jens Gluten Free Blog asked me to write a guest post entitled Gluten-Free Newbies Report: Five Steps to Living Gluten-Free I was both excited and inspired. It wasn’t that long ago I was (and in many ways still am) a Gluten-Free newbie. If someone had given me pearls of wisdom gleaned from their own experience could it have made my journey easier? Yes, definitely! And, it did. I read a lot about this new lifestyle—blogs and articles and books and anything I could get my hands on—and I’m still reading and learning.

The challenging part was keeping the post to five points and a reasonable length. There’s so much to share. Fortunately some wonderful people are sharing online and in publications every day so there’s an amazing amount of information for newbies and veterans alike.

A word about Jens Gluten Free Blog—Jen and her friend, Julie, started the blog to help people who are navigating the gluten-free world. They both have children who are wheat-sensitive or celiac and founded the blog as an outlet for their own experiences and to communicate to others traveling down similar paths. It’s a great blog with recipes, guest blog posts, and their own stories and experiences.

So, please go on over to Jens Gluten Free Blog and read my guest post: Gluten-Free Newbies Report: Five Steps to Living Gluten-Free.  Then come back and visit the Links section of The Sensitive Pantry to find interesting blogs and sites that offer information for gluten-free living.