Calling All Cookies!

It’s the first of December, the time of year where everything begins to fast forward.
Holiday music heralds in the buzz that will surround us these next few weeks. There are parties to plan, presents to buy, holiday specials to watch, and baking, baking, baking to be done.
But, not if you don’t have a stove.
*sniff sniff*
If you don’t have a stove you can do everything but the baking. And, the cooking.
It’s a nice break for a minute or two. At least it was on Thanksgiving Day when I expected my new stove (after fixing all the granite, and gas line, and electrical service issues) to be installed the following Saturday. It was kind of relaxing—and a little weird—not to have pots bubbling and the oven steaming. It was nice of my sister and sister-in-law to host Thanksgiving and be satisfied with my meager offerings. It may have been the first relaxing holiday for me in, well, years.
Now it’s not so much fun anymore. The Saturday installation has come and gone. There is a stove sitting in what was an empty space. It looks very pretty. It doesn’t do much but it’s all shiny and stuff. It’ll sit there until the new one comes. The one that looks just as pretty but actually works. The one they told me will be delivered on *sob* December 26th.
That. Is. Not. Going. To. Work.
No dinners. No baking. No blog posts. No traditional Christmas Eve dinner. No Christmas brunch.
You know what…where there’s a will there’s a way. I’ll keep you posted on progress (follow the saga on Twitter!) but for now I’m going to have to get blogger creative!
So, here’s what we’re going to do.
I’m going to repost those lovely cookies you see in the photo. They were a favorite last year in our home and hopefully they’ll be a favorite again this year.
Then I’m going to ask all of you to link to your cookie recipes. Help me out here…bake me some cookies and share them by adding them below. I’m counting on my favorite (and hopefully some new) foodie friends.
It’s simple. Just follow the instructions below. You may add as many entries as you like but there are two rules…they must be gluten-free and they must be cookies. Plus they don’t need to be new posts. Can’t wait to see what you bring!! The posting closes on December 20th. So, check back often for new cookie links.
Reader Comments (25)
I get asked about gluten-free cookies a lot....can't wait to see the link ups!
Nancy - thanks for hosting this cookie swap. I can't wait to see all the other submissions. I'm in the mood for some cookie baking!
Oh no. What a disaster. I love your creative approach to keeping the blog alive. I've just added my lemon advents cookies. Adding your link to the post now. Good luck with the stove!!!
Oh man, that so sucks! I'll add some cookie links for you, for sure. I'm posting a couple of Xmas cookie recipes soon.
I think you need some actual cookies, though - a cookie care package? I'd be willing to participate.
Thank you for hosting this cookie swap! I love the idea. It is always so fun to find new creative ways to enjoy the gluten free lifestyle!
Aaaaaw, hang in there love! Perhaps this is just life's way of forcing you to slow down and recharge your batteries...then you can come back with a fancy decked out kitchen and all!
So sorry to hear about your stove, Nancy! I don't have any gluten-free cookie recipes yet, but I've been thinking about trying some out so if I do, I'll be sure to link them up!! :-)
Oh Nancy! Yes, you need a cookie care package! Post your address, you'll get all kinds :) I bet your new stove will be worth they wait!
So sorry to hear about the stove situation. I'm new to linking up on your site and sort of botched the naming of my link...whoops! hopefully the picture without a cookie title will still entice a click over to check them out! Thanks for hosting this and love your blog!
Those cookies make my mouth water! I am hoping for a miracle that the new stove appears soon! I can't imagine life without baking or cooking!!
Okay, this is definitely my favorite roundup! :-) I may be back with more cookie links before the deadline.
Hoping the stove will be there soon enough for you to get in some great baking, Nancy. :-)
Happy holidays! :-)
Look at all of those delicious cookies!! i love the idea behind this and can't to try some of these. I have a lot of friends coming over for Christmas who need GF options. Thanks love :)
There couldn't be a harder time of the year to be without a stove. I think of you often!
But think.. you might be the only one out of all of us kitchen loving bloggers.. that escapes the holidays without several extra pounds!
and I agree.. you need a cookie package.
Ps- THANK YOU for hosting this. Very excited to look through ALL of these recipes.
So sorry about your stove, but this was a great idea! We're hosting a holiday party this year, so I'm sure I'll be looking for some good cookie recipes.
Oh my gosh, I didn't realize you were stove-less! What a drag and at the most inopportune time, no less. Are you a seasoned backpacker? I have my trusty MSR Reactor stove that I've pulled out for emergencies (no electricity), but it doesn't do any baking. :-)
Although I'm trying NOT to bake any cookies at the moment (sweetness overload), I will link up a prior recipe for you.
Sending good energy your way! Breathe in, breathe out.
So excited about all the cookie recipes you all have posted. I should be getting the new stove just before the holidays so I'm hoping I can bake a few of these for Christmas Day.
Melissa - my husband has a camp stove so we're good if we need it. I also have my crockpot, an ActiFry, a grill and two neighbors who will let me use their stoes if I need it. So, although a bit inconvenienced we're hardly starving.
All - Thanks for all the well wishes...and the awesome cookie recipes!
Look on the bright side, you can make chocolate coated just about anything with the microwave or even a hot plate. I know I've seen a website out there that is dedicated to microwave candy. Brittles are easy that way if your intended recipient can do corn syrup and nuts. Every Halloween I make myself some fake Mounds bars by taking shredded coconut, sugar ground with arrowroot (no corn for me) and some coconut milk and combining until it'll hold it's shape and then immersing the whole deal in melted chocolate. What else do you need for Christmas, seriously. Or you could just melt some chocolate and mix in some fruit, nuts, seeds, coconut, whatever makes you happy. Be happy.
Also seriously what is your appliance guy thinking and why aren't you on the phone screaming (in the most ladylike manner, of course) at the highest level guy/gal you can find? Unless that appliance is coming from overseas somewhere you can generally find someone with some pull in a day or two if you let them know exactly how unhappy you are. It's like having to prove to your Doctor that you're not faking and you really have serious issues with food and your immune system.
Thanks for linking up to my blog and also for letting me link up to this. I can't wait to look at all the recipes.
Wow. Look at all the cookies. No one is going to be deprived this holiday. The stove saga on twitter has me feeling for you, Nancy.
I'm so sorry to hear about your stove, maybe Santa will show up with one before the 26th.