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Entries in Dairy-free (85)


Raw Rustic Nutella

Prior to making this Raw Rustic Nutella I wasn’t much of a nutella fan. I know. I know. The world is having a love affair with nutella and I’ve been on the outside looking in. I just didn’t get it….at first.

Then my foray into the raw foods world ignited a desire to experiment. Even if going raw is not for you it does makes sense to add more raw foods to your diets where possible. Raw foods are just that much more packed with nutrients.

So, experimentation commenced and raw nutella was born. Why Raw Rustic Nutella? Well, it isn’t the super creamy version. It’s almost fudge-like at room temperature. Not to worry…it’s flavor is superb.

This recipe is ridiculously simple and quick. Smear it on toasted GF bread, or to keep it really raw, an apple or celery. Eat it by the spoonful if you want!

Raw Rustic Nutella

Place in the bowl of a food processor (or a high speed blender such as a Vitamix or Blendtec):

1 ½ cups raw hazelnuts

Process until the nuts are ground into fine flour. The finer the flour at this stage the smoother the nut butter will be. My food processor did not get the flour as fine as I would have liked but it didn’t seem to hamper the result.

Add and mix in thoroughly, taking the top off the processor and scraping the sides from time to time:

½ teaspoon cinnamon
a pinch each of nutmeg, allspice and cloves
¼ cup raw cacao powder

Replace the top and turn on the food processor mixing until all the ingredients are combined and cacao butter is pulverized.

Scrape down the sides, replace the lid and while the processor is running add the following until the nut butter is formed:

4 tablespoons raw cacao butter (melted)*
2 tablespoons raw coconut oil (melted)*
3 tablespoons raw honey or agave

Place in an airtight glass container and store in the fridge for future use.

Best when served at room temperature.


If you don’t have some of the raw ingredients called for you can use more available ingredients.

Instead of …

…raw nuts use blanched or lightly roasted (unsalted) nuts.

…raw cacao powder use cacao nibs or dutched cocoa powder.

…raw cacao butter use coconut oil. (Based on a comment below add less & add slowly until it reaches the desired consistency.)

…raw honey use agave nectar.

…raw hazelnuts try raw cashews (or a mix of both kinds of nuts) for a different spin on an old favorite.

*How to “melt” raw coconut oil—or raw cacao butter.

Place the amount of coconut oil (or cacao butter) you wish to “melt” in a small glass bowl.

(If you’re melting cacao butter grate or finely chop it. I used a standard cheese grater for this purpose.)

Pour hot tap water (about 100-105 degrees) into a shallow pan and place the bowl holding coconut oil—or grated cacao butter—in it being careful not to allow the water to spill into the bowl holding the coconut oil. Gently stir the coconut oil until it has become liquid.



Deep Dark Chocolate Muffins

Photos memorialize our lives. Each snapshot is meant to be viewed later to stir memories of what was.

Just like the blog posts, journal entries, letters, and emails we write are memorials to the moments we cherish. The moments we don’t want to forget. Or, the moments we want to remember so we’ll not repeat ourselves.

Yeah, folks, I’m rambling a bit. What does any of this have to do with chocolate muffins? Well, nothing. It has to do with friends and memories and holding on to both.

I lost a dear friend this week and need to carve a little place right here as a memorial. I have an intense desire to hold on to him—just like in Peter Pan when Wendy sews Peter’s shadow back on. I want to sew the shadow of my friend firmly somewhere so he doesn’t disappear. So he doesn’t wander off. So he’s here in my heart forever.

It was an unexpected and shocking loss. I’ve known my friend since grade school and expected to know him into old age. I only share that because when something like this happens you think not only about the loss of your loved one but about the people who are still here. Your husband (or wife), your children, siblings, parents and friends. You desire to make each moment memorable. To make each moment count. To tell them you love them, appreciate them, to be with them.

You know what? These muffins are good but don’t make them. That’s right. (At least not right now.) Go spend some time with family and friends making memories. Tell them you love them. Smile and laugh with them. Do that and you’ll create moments that will last a lifetime. I promise.


Deep Dark Chocolate Muffins

Deep Dark Chocolate Muffins

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Prepare your muffin pan with liners—makes about 6 or 7 jumbo or 12 cupcake sized muffins.

Whisk to combine and set aside:

½ teaspoons EnerG Egg Replacer
2 tablespoons warm water

In a large mixing bowl mix together:

1½ cups GF Flour Blend
½ cup pulverized walnuts*
2/3 cups organic coconut or cane sugar
1/3 cup cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt

In a 2 cup measuring cup whisk together:

1 6oz container plain or vanilla yogurt (for dairy-free/vegan use coconut milk yogurt)
1 teaspoon vanilla
½ teaspoon molasses (optional)
½ cup water
egg replacer you prepared earlier
1/3 cup grapeseed or other vegetable oil

Pour about half the wet mixture into the dry and give it a few turns with a spoon or silicone spatula. Add the rest of the liquid and stir until combined.

Add to the batter and mix in:

½ cup Enjoy Life chocolate chips

Spoon into the paper liners filling them about ¾ full. Bake for 20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool and enjoy.

*I pulverized the walnuts in a small food processor (or you might be able to use a coffee grinder) until they were the size of large grains of sand. Measure after they’re chopped.