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Peach Berry Crisp

One of the big topics in food blogging today is attribution—recognizing the creator of the original recipe in your post. We honor each other by linking back to the inspirational recipe that spoke to us and said, “Me. Make me. I’m delicious!”

I do have some attributions for this recipe but first let’s just acknowledge that a Google search for Peach Berry Crisp yields 80,000 returns. That’s specifically “peach berry crisp”. Needless to say, crisps are pretty popular.

So, who would I say inspired this recipe?

My number one attribution: Mother Nature. She tempted me with luscious juicy New Jersey peaches, plump blackberries, and firm blond raspberries. She provided the oats, sugar, and flour. She did everything but mix them all together and put them in the oven.

My number two attribution: Isabel Ely Lord. Very little is written about her but apparently she wrote the cookbook, Every Body’s Cookbook: A Comprehensive Manual of Home Cookery in 1921. That’s where, according to Wikipedia, apple crisp is first mentioned. Thank you, Isabel.

My number three attribution: Twitter and and Foodgawker and Tastespotting and Google. That’s where I talk about food, see pictures of food, and read about food. All. The. Time. It makes me hungry. It’s where my friends inspire me with their chatter and keep my foodie synapses popping.

Before we get to the recipe I’d like to share my thoughts on crisps. I really don’t think you need a recipe—just a general road map. Some fruit, sugar, flour, and “butter”. Maybe a little of this (lemon juice?), a little of that (spices?). Pop it in a moderate oven until the fruit is bubbly and the top is beautifully browned. That’s pretty much it. Easy.

I am always inspired by my gluten-free friends because of their creativity and joie de vivre. A few of them have crisp and crumble recipes you might enjoy:

Karina of Gluten-free Goddess: Gluten-free Peach Cobbler

Iris of The Daily Dietribe: Blueberry Cobbler (sugar free)

Shirley of Gluten-Free Easily: Strawberry Cobbler

Elana of Elana’s Pantry: Peach Crisp

Please post a link to your fruit crisp, cobbler, slump, or buckle in the comments below!


Peach Berry Crisp 

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Place into a medium bowl:

3 large peaches, peeled, sliced and each slice cut in half again

1 1/2 cups mixed blackberries, raspberries, and/or blueberries (more or less to your liking)


Sprinkle the fruit with and mix together:

1 tablespoon tapioca starch

1 tablespoon brown sugar

1 teaspoon lemon

Spoon the fruit mixture into the bottom of a deep dish pie plate.


In a separate bowl stir together:

1 cup GF rolled oats

3/4 cup almond flour

1/4 cup brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

a pinch each of nutmeg and salt


Add to the oat mixture and combine with a fork until crumbly:

3 tablespoons Earth Balance


Place the crumble mixture on top of the fruit. Pop in the oven for 30-35 minutes.

The crisp is done when the fruit can be pierced with a fork and the topping is nicely browned.


Serve warm for dessert or breakfast!

Note: The topping is very crispy…almost granola like. It’s definitely got a bit of a chew to it because of the oats.


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Reader Comments (15)

Mother Nature is the best muse. Your crisp looks gorgeous. I bet the flavors are divine. xox Karina

Sep 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKarina

Thanks for linking up to my recipe, which was inspired by another wonderful gluten-free baker, Lauren of CeliacTeen! Those pictures are gorgeous!

Sep 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterIris

There really isn't anything better than a crisp! I make them all summer and easily adapted my stand-by recipe to use gluten-free oats and flour since we made the switch.

Here's my take. Inspired by cherries...

Sep 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKristin

Karina - Gotta love Mother Nature!

Iris - Welcome! And, to Lauren, too!

Kristin - I adore cherries and that crisp looks juicy & crispy & delicious!

Sep 2, 2010 | Registered CommenterNancy Kohler

This is beautiful! And it looks amazing. I haven't made a crisp of my own in years, and this might get me doing it.

Sep 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKim

I love anything with peaches. I will have to wait a while though for them to be in season, then I can give it a try.

Sep 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterInTolerant Chef

Oh, that looks lovely ... and delicious, Nancy. Perfect recipe for this time of year! :-)

Thanks so much for linking to one of my similar seasonal recipes!



Oooohh!! This peach berry crisp looks fabulous!!

Tasty too!

Sep 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSophie

Shirley - my pleasure! Been cruising the Adopt a GF Blogger posts on your blog. Meeting all kinds of new GF bloggers.

Sophie - Thanks! And, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving comments. You're awesome. (Love your blog.)

Sep 5, 2010 | Registered CommenterNancy Kohler

This looks delicious! Crisps, crumbles, cobblers... they are all, by far, my favorite type of dessert!

I love your kind attributions to Mother Nature, btw! Never want to get caught forgetting to give her the correct props! ;)

I have a Berry Crisp/crumble on my site, too!

I actually have some amazing pluots sitting on my counter right now. I bet they would be awesome with this recipe....hmmm.

Kim - Great minds think alike! Our crisps are pretty similar except that I only have two 3-year old dogs at home (the kid's away at school) and I wouldn't trust them to bake anything!! I love that your kids are feeling their way around the kitchen. It's a beautiful thing.

Sep 6, 2010 | Registered CommenterNancy Kohler

Beautiful crisp! I think sometimes the best recipes are the simplest. :-)

Sep 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

The crisp looks very tasty; although, perhaps I am a bit biased, since I love anything that has peaches in it!

Kelley Herring
Guilt Free Desserts

Jan 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKelley Herring

Brought it to a friend's place for dessert yesterday... no one had any idea it was dairy/gluten/egg/nut/soy free :) A+

Vanessa, I love when that happens! Nancy

Sep 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterVanessa

Made this today and it was a rare flop. I'm sure it's my fault in part. We don't use oats since even GF oats are a problem for so many Celiacs and I don't want to risk it with my kids, so I used quinoa flakes, which are often recommended as a substitute. I also used mulberries since that's what we had on hand and they're rather bland. The fruit part was too bland and the topping was dry and just not very good. It tasted very "healthy" (very little sugar, very little "butter") and my kids didn't want to finish theirs -- which is usually unheard of around here. This was a total contrast to last night's peach cobber (can you tell we have a lot of organic peaches to use this week?). I definitely would use a tart berry next time and those who are used to the more dessert-like crisps may want to increase the junky ingredients on top. :)

Magic and Mayhem -- oh, that's too bad. It can happen when we try new things but I'm glad you did try it.

Aug 11, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMagic and Mayhem
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